Demo Cases

The EEnvest technical financial due-diligence method will be applied to two demo-case buildings, located in Italy and Spain, the two market areas analyzed within the project context.

Italian Site

The Italian demo case is a commercial office use building located in the city of Rome. The asset owner is IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development. The building has been audited by an external third- party energy auditor during 2017 and a set of renovation actions is already planned for the next months, with the ambitious aim of cutting current energy consumption up to 37%. This goal is achieved combining a set of measures related to energy use in building systems. The asset is currently managed by Prelios Integra, member of EEnvest’s Advisory Board.

Aerial view of the Italian demo site location within the city of Rome, source Prelios Integra

Italian demo case building picture, source Prelios Integra

Spanish Site

The Spanish demo case is a residential building located in the city of Olot, Catalonia. The main objective of the project is to renovate the whole building with high energy efficiency measures in order to achieve an A-rating in the Energy Performance Certificate. Besides this main objective, other measures will be implemented to reduce the use of other resources, like water, and to improve comfort to families. The owner of the asset will rent the apartments to local citizens after the renovation is completed.

Spanish demo building within the city of Olot, Catalonia.

Inside the Spanish demo building.