1st year of EEnvest


On July 1st 2020 EEnvest turned 1 year of existence. One third of its lifetime and the project is advancing quite well. Although the pandemic crisis of the coronavirus has affected us all, the Consortium has made a risk assessment and has taken measures in place to overcome the difficulties, making sure that EEnvest progresses according to the work plan.

As usual during this time, the Consortium partners met on 2nd and 3rd of July to assess the status of the different work packages and to discuss technical issues and work plan. The original plan was to have the meeting at the Politecnico di Milano, but due to the COVID-19 the Consortium decided to meet virtually in order to safeguard everyone.

EEnvest Consortium Partners at M12 meeting

During the 12th month meeting several advances have been demonstrated:

  • EEnvest has established a social media presence in order to maintain the general public informed about the project.
  • The first issue of the e-newsletter has been published and distributed to engaged stakeholders.
  • The EEnvest Advisory Board has been constituted and the members are already working with the Consortium partners.
  • The Italian and Spanish Demo Cases Working Groups have kicked-off activities
  • The EEnvest platform is in prototype mode and has been showed to partners and to the EAB.
EEnvest Advisory Board kick-off meeting

The Consortium is planning a conference to show the objectives of EEnvest and the results obtained so far. Stay tuned for more details about this event!
